This is the translated version of a text I wrote last year.
Note: The term "Human dignity is inviolable" is the first sentence in the German constitution.
I'm sitting in the audience at a concert. The theme of the evening: “I am what I am.”
I am greeted with a cheerful “Dear ladies, dear gentlemen, dear children and everyone in between and beyond”.
Between the music pieces, there are always little speeches. Relaxed, funny. Some of the speakers are probably part of the LGBTQI+ movement themselves. A man in a glittering jacket praises our constitution. He quotes the first lines, emphasizing how lucky we are to live in Germany, because other people elsewhere are not allowed to enjoy the same basic rights.
Kinder im Herzen ist ein Weblog zum Thema Pädophilie, der von pädophil empfindenden Menschen betrieben wird, die sich entschieden haben ihre sexuellen Wünsche nie mit Kindern auszuleben. Wir schreiben über diverse Themen im Zusammenhang mit Pädophilie, die uns bewegen.
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