Wir wurden darum gebeten, diese derzeit laufende Umfrage auf unseren Seiten zu teilen. Schwerpunkt der Umfrage ist die Nutzung von Onlineforen und Chats zum Thema Pädophilie. Wenn du selbst pädophil und/oder hebephil (und mindestens 18 Jahre alt) bist und gerne teilnehmen möchtest, findest du hier den Link: https://www.soscisurvey.de/OnlineSocialSupport/?r=F1

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Die Umfrage ist auf englisch, daher hier auch einmal der originale Aufruf zur Umfrage:

Hello. We are a team of researchers looking for Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs) with a sexual attraction to pre-pubescent and/or pubescent children to take part in a study on the use of online forums and online social support.

As a participant, you would be asked to complete an anonymous online survey (hosted by soscisurvey.de) that asks about your use of online forums specific to those with sexual attraction to children, and the impact of these forums on your wellbeing. You will NOT be asked about past or present sexual behaviour.

You are eligible to participate if you are 18 years or older and if you identify as an MAP who is sexually attracted to pre-pubescent and/or pubescent children.

Participation is voluntary and would take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Interested in participating? Please visit https://www.soscisurvey.de/OnlineSocialSupport/?r=F1

Dr. Michael Seto
Director, Forensic Research Unit
The Royal's Institute of Mental Health Research

Kailey Roche, PhD Student
Department of Psychology
Carleton University

This study has been reviewed by The Royal's Research Ethics Board (#2021-001)